Lamprey Technical Workgroup
Lamprey Technical Workgroup
The Lamprey Technical Workgroup (LTWG), the technical advisory committee of the Pacific Lamprey Conservation Initiative (PLCI), is a large, diverse, active committee with members representing a variety of organizations from across PLCI’s geographic range. The LTWG receives technical questions on topics affecting lamprey such as adult and juvenile passage, contaminants, and dredging impacts from PLCI’s various committees, and provides technical support to the Regional Management Units (RMUs), and may respond to requests for technical input and expertise from outside entities.
The LTWG also hosts the annual Lamprey Information Exchange to facilitate information sharing on key cultural and scientific topics pertaining to Pacific Lamprey amongst the ever expanding network of lamprey enthusiasts.
There are multiple technical subgroups within the LTWG studying a range of topics important to lamprey conservation. Participation in the LTWG and its subgroups is open to all lamprey enthusiasts. Contact the LTWG Chair, Christina Wang (USFWS) to be added to the list, and learn more about each of the subgroups below.
LTWG Publications
- Comparison of Pacific Lamprey and Pacific Salmon Life Histories, Habitat and Ecology (LTWG; 2023)
- Review of Factors Affecting Larval and Juvenile Lamprey Entrainment and Impingement at Fish Screen Facilities (LTWG; 2022)
- Practical Guidelines for Incorporating Adult Pacific Lamprey Passage at Fishways, Version 2.0 (LTWG; 2022)
- Barriers to Adult PacificLamprey at Road Crossings: Guidelines for Evaluating and Providing Passages (LTWG; 2020)
- Best Management Guidelines for Native Lampreys During In-Water Work (LTWG; 2020 (Updated 2022))
- Monitoring and Minimizing the Effects of Dredging on Lampreys (LTWG; 2021)
- Overview of eDNA and Applications for Research and Monitoring of Lampreys (LTWG; 2021)
LTWG Subgroups
Adult Passage & EngineerinG
Develops guidance and shares information across parties and regions to improve upstream adult lamprey passage. Contact the subgroup lead – Ann Gray (USFWS) for more information.
Explores and investigates issues related to tagging lampreys at all life stages. Contact the subgroup lead – Bob Mueller (PNNL) for more information.
Works to identify the many information gaps in the ocean phase of the life history of anadromous lampreys (Western River Lamprey and Pacific Lamprey). Contact the subgroup lead – Laurie Porter (CRITFC) for more information.
The Juvenile Entrainment, Dredging, and Dewatering Investigations (JEDDI) subgroup develops guidance and shares information across parties and regions to inform BMGs relative to screening/entrainment, dredging, dewatering and in-water work. Contact the subgroup lead – Joe Skalicky (USFWS) for more information.
Genetics & eDNA
Keeps the LTWG informed on new genetics research and developments related to lampreys, how it can inform management and monitoring strategies, and ensures current state of knowledge is accounted for in LTWG recommendations and documents. Contact the subgroup lead – Kellie Carim (USFS).
The Subgroup on Other Lamprey Species Anadromous and Resident (SOLAR) focuses on native lampreys of the West Coast of North America, with a particular emphasis on lampreys other than Pacific Lamprey. Goals of acquiring and documenting information resources on lampreys, identifying biological and management associations between species, filling information gaps, and prioritizing/recommending research, monitoring, and evaluation projects. Contact the subgroup co-leads – Trent Sutton (UAF) and Katie Drew (BLM) for more information.
Develops guidance and shares information across parties and regions to consider and integrate lampreys into restoration. Contact the subgroup lead – Christina Wang (USFWS) for more information.
Abundance Based Goals
Explores what is needed to establish abundance based goals to reach a healthy and harvestable status of Pacific Lamprey. Contact the subgroup lead – Laurie Porter (CRITFC) for more information.
Goal of enhancing awareness of Pacific Lamprey and PLCI through outreach and education. Contact subgroup lead – Nicole Shepherd or Sophia Troeh for more information.
Barriers to Tidal Connectivity
Develops guidance and shares information across parties and regions to improve understanding of and reduce barriers to tidal connectivity for lampreys. Contact the subgroup lead – Christina Wang (USFWS) for more information.
Develops guidance and shares information across parties and regions to improve understanding of contaminants on lampreys. Contact the subgroup lead – Elena Nilsen (USGS) for more information.
Partnerships for the Aquaculture of Lampreys
Provide a venue to share and discuss technical information related to hatchery artificial propagation, rearing, and holding of Pacific Lamprey as well as other lamprey species. Contact the subgroup co-leads – Ralph Lampman (YNF) and John Hume (MSU) for more information.
Technical Resources from PLCI Partners
In addition to the technical documents and resources produced by the LTWG and its various subgroups, many PLCI partners have also developed helpful resources. Some examples can be found below.
Outreach & Databases
- Columbia Basin Lamprey Identification Guide (YNF; 2017)
- Native Lampreys of Oregon (ODFW; 2021)
- Pacific Lamprey Distribution Database
- Pacific Lamprey Data Clearinghouse
- Pacific Lamprey Handout (USFWS; 2015)
- PLCI fact sheet for the general public
- PLCI fact sheet policymakers
- PLCI fact sheet for restoration practitioners
History of the LTWG
As part of a 1995 action by the Northwest Power and Conservation Council (NPCC), the Columbia River Basin Pacific Lamprey Technical Workgroup (Workgroup) was established to serve and guide coordination activities for new and existing lamprey projects funded, or proposed for funding through the Bonneville Power Administration (BPA). Eventually, the need for guided and coordinated lamprey research extended beyond the scope of the Workgroup. The U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (USFWS) encouraged coordination of lamprey research through the Columbia Basin Fish and Wildlife Authority (CBFWA), whose mission was to coordinate and promote effective protection and restoration of fish, wildlife, and their habitats in the Columbia River Basin. In November 2003, the Workgroup was officially established as a subcommittee under the Anadromous Fish Committee of CBFWA. The LTWG became the technical advisory committee of PLCI upon its inception in 2008 and expanded its geographical range from the Columbia River Basin to include all RMUs represented in PLCI.
©2022 Pacific Lamprey Conservation Initiative